Suspend the execution of an R code for a time interval

R introduction Flow control
The Sys.sleep() function

The Sys.sleep function allows to stop the execution of an R process for a time interval, in seconds. This is very useful when you run a for loop and you need to slow down the speed of the loop.

Syntax and use cases

The function takes a positive number as input which will be the number of seconds to suspend the execution of the code.


This function has several use cases. Some of them are:

  • When you are scraping a website or downloading files and you donā€™t want to overload the server.
  • To delay the execution of some code.
  • When you want to retry some code that failed after some time (e.g.Ā a server is down and you need to wait some time until is up).
  • When you are making API calls to a limited API (e.g.Ā it admits X calls per hour).

Using Sys.sleep inside a for loop

Consider the following for loop that prints the execution time of each iteration:

for(i in 1:5) {
  # Start time
  start <- Sys.time()
  # Code
  # End time
  end <- Sys.time()
  # Time difference
  time <- end - start
Time difference of 2.861023e-06 secs
Time difference of 1.907349e-06 secs
Time difference of 1.907349e-06 secs
Time difference of 3.099442e-06 secs
Time difference of 9.536743e-07 secs

Each iteration takes almost no time to complete. However, if you want to stop the execution one second each iteration you can use Sys.sleep(1).

for(i in 1:5) {
  # Start time
  start <- Sys.time()
  # End time
  end <- Sys.time()
  # Time difference
  time <- end - start
Time difference of 1.003335 secs
Time difference of 1.012604 secs
Time difference of 1.014571 secs
Time difference of 1.028076 secs
Time difference of 1.027852 secs

Now each iteration takes around 1 more second to complete.

Using Sys.sleep inside sapply

You can also use the Sys.sleep function inside a sapply or a lapply function. In the following example we are pausing the execution 5 seconds between iterations.

sapply(1:5, function(i) {
1 2 3 4 5